
  • Ni Putu Tirka Widanti Universitas Ngurah Rai Bali



Penyuluhan, Ejaan bahasa Indonesia, Green School Bali, Kesalahan ejaan, PUEBI


Salah satu alasan mengapa banyak artikel penelitian ditolak oleh penerbit adalah karena bahasa yang buruk dan banyak kesalahan ejaan dan tata bahasa. Penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan bagaimana menerapkan dan menyadari hambatan-hambatan dalam penerapan Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia di Green School Bali. Metode penyuluhan ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pendekatan pengenalan, yaitu dengan menggabungkan metode perkenalan dan pendampingan. Penyuluhan ini dilakukan di Green School Bali. Bahan disosialisasikan dengan menggunakan teknik pengenalan dan pendampingan. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia di Green School Bali bisa terlaksana dengan baik, namun proses penerapannya perlu ditingkatkan terutama penyelesaian kendala yang ada. Melalui hasil penyuluhan ini juga diharapkan para tutor bahasa dan seluruh pengguna bahasa Indonesia mulai menerapkan PUEBI dengan baik dan benar.


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Author Biography

Ni Putu Tirka Widanti, Universitas Ngurah Rai Bali

Dr. Ni Putu Tirka Wadanti, SS., MM., M.Hum

SINTA ID: 5977406

My professional experiences in education, community service, hospitality, and public administration are extensive. From producing research papers, lecturing at a number of universities in Indonesia, to chairing the Public Administration Post Graduate Program of the University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar.  Currently, I am the expert staff for the legislative (DPRD Bali) that is handling the education, labor, and social aspect.

I hold a doctoral degree in Public Administration from Universitas Tujuh  Belas Agustus, Surabaya in 2009, and two post-graduate degrees including MBA from Warranborough University in the UK (distance learning course) and Magister Management from Artha Bodhi Iswara in Surabaya, Indonesia, also the Adjunct Professor at Amity University, India in 2017.

In the form of books, academic articles, local and national newspapers, I have produced many literary works largely related to the empowerment of women, the importance of education, Balinese culture and values, and tourism. This motivated me to start Global Balinese Women Association, in Bali.  This association focuses on Balinese women empowerment and enables us to interact with women all over the world. 

During my leisure time, I enjoy hiking, practicing Balinese dance, and doing research on social issues related to women. Also, I have widely traveled around the world to explore different traditions and cultures.

 Prior to entering the realm of education, I used to work with several foreign companies and the hospitality industry in Bali.  I started my career as a telephone operator at Amandari Resorts in Ubud and then moved to other Hotels and Resorts including The Ritz-Carlton, Bali.  Thereafter, I spend 3 years at the Bali International School, which was the first International School in Bali and this shaped my current passion for Global Education.

Since Bali is a tourism destination, somehow, according to my opinion education and tourism are closely related. I think that it’s a big question to ask about the relation between education and tourism. In fact, it is not. Both tourism and education focus on one important aspect i.e. service. Excellent service whether it is on tourism or education brings wonderful outcomes. Thus, in Green School, we started the Edu-Tourism, wherein we encourage students from around the world to participate and experience our learning process.  Tourists now come to Bali not only for pleasure but also to educate themselves.

The experience I got in the hotel industry taught me the importance of service in creating value and I try to provide excellent service to students. I think excellent service will motivate them to study and finish their study on time.


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How to Cite

Tirka Widanti, N. P. (2021). PENYULUHAN PENERAPAN PEDOMAN UMUM EJAAN BAHASA INDONESIA (PUEBI) DI GREEN SCHOOL BALI. ABDI MASSA: Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional (e-ISSN: 2797-0493), 1(03), 1–9.



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