Agresi verbal pada anggota polri: Bagaimana peranan kohesivitas dan kematangan emosi?


  • gama dwi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Amanda Pasca Rini Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Sahat Saragih Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Cohesiveness, Emotional maturity , Verbal Aggression


This study aims to determine the relationship between cohesiveness,
emotional maturity and verbal aggression among members of the
Indonesian National Police. The participants in this study were 155
members of the Indonesian National Police who were taken using the
simple random sampling Technique. The research instrument uses a
cohesiveness scale, emotional maturity scale and verbal aggression scale.
Based on the results of data analysis using multiple linear regression, the
results obtained correlation coefficient = 0.373 with a significant level of p=
0.000, it is stated that there is a significant positive relationship between
cohesiveness, emotional maturity and verbal aggression, the higher the
cohesiveness and emotional maturity, the lower the verbal aggression on
members of the Indonesian National Police and vice versa, the lower the
cohesiveness and emotional maturity, the higher the verbal aggression
towards members of the Indonesian National Police
Keywords: Cohesiveness ; Emotional maturity ; Verbal Aggression


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How to Cite

dwi, gama, Amanda Pasca Rini, & Sahat Saragih. (2023). Agresi verbal pada anggota polri: Bagaimana peranan kohesivitas dan kematangan emosi? . INNER: Journal of Psychological Research, 2(4), 772–781. Retrieved from