Kecenderungan shopaholic pada remaja: Adakah peranan kontrol diri?
Self-control, Shopaholic Tendencies, Teenagers, Kontrol Diri, Kecenderungn ShopaholicAbstract
The research attempts to analyze the correlation of self-control between and shopaholic tendencies. The researcher will examine the problems: 1) Does self-control correlate with shopaholic tendencies in adolescents? This research utilizes incidental sampling. Adolescents served as the study's participants aged 18-22 that actively shopped at malls or e-commerce. Data collection techniques in research use a scale that is spread via Google and processed using the product moment technique. Each variable in this study was calculated using with use of Windows' SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Product and Service Solution). This study used a scale with distribution via Google Forms and processed the moment of utilizing the production technique. The findings of research on the product moment are -0.382 which means it is very significant so was believed that the greater a person's self-control, the lower the shopaholic tendency.
Keywords: Self-control, Shopaholic Tendencies, Teenagers.
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