Konflik Perkawinan, Strategi Koping Perempuan Jawa dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Bercerai


  • Devi Puspitasari Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Marital Conflict, Coping Strategy, avanese Women, Divorce Decision Making


Divorce in Javanese people is a humiliating event, considered a disgrace not only for the divorcee but also for their extended family. This research aimed to understand marital conflict and coping strategies in divorce decision-making among Javanese women. The research method used is phenomenologist qualitative on eight women that filed their divorce for at least six months, were employed, and had children. Data was collected with semi-structured interviews and analysed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. This research found that: marital conflict and coping strategies for participants were influenced by Javanese ethics. Javanese ethics also caused these participants to have a confusing divorce situation because norms that they believe in its community were forcing them to stay in that marriage, though it might be full of violence. These participants had the courage to take a divorce decision when coping strategies they had done were no longer enough to handle the stress caused by marital conflict.

Keywords: Marital Conflict; Coping Strategy; Javanese Women; Divorce Decision Making


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How to Cite

Devi Puspitasari. (2022). Konflik Perkawinan, Strategi Koping Perempuan Jawa dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Bercerai . INNER: Journal of Psychological Research, 2(2), 195–202. Retrieved from https://aksiologi.org/index.php/inner/article/view/512