Tata kelola Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Malang: Tinjauan berdasar Outcome-Based Evaluation (OBE)
Outcome-Based Evaluation (OBE), Senior High SchoolAbstract
The standardization of education systems and processes in Indonesia requires evaluations that provide valid and reliable information about policy performance, such as how far the needs, values, and opportunities that have been achieved through public action. One of the evaluation methods used is outcome-based evaluation. The analysis is carried out on outcome-based evaluation indicators, including Organizational Performance, organizational value, individual performance, and individual value. Evaluations that are carried out routinely can improve the performance of teachers and education staff in schools. The participants of this study were Educators and Education Staff of SMA X Malang who were taken purposively. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and academic documents. Data analysis techniques using thematic analysis. The results showed that SMA X Malang had implemented OBE, although there were still some things that needed to be optimized. The implications of the research will be discussed.
Keywords: Evaluation, System, Outcome.
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